Highlight For Mac
This is a known bug that appears to happen only on certain models of Mac. Please click on the smiley-face icon in the upper right corner of the Word window, choose Tell Us What Can Be Better, describe the problem and send it to Microsoft. I recommend also including the model information of your Mac as well. Every additional complaint turns up the pressure. Brandwares - Advanced Office template services to the graphic design industry and select corporations. John Korchok, Production Manager production@brandwares.com.
In addition to John's instructions (go by his First). Go to Menu. System Preferences. San antonio computer doctor reviews.
Follow direction in annotation in this screenshot:. It's Possible choose a Different color might work better. I choose Green which suited my eyes. Here is Color pallet for Highlight choices.
How To Apply Mac Highlighter
This is one Perk in Yosemite I like:. When you click on other. You open Color Picker and can several hundred different hues of colors. Disclaimer: The questions, discussions, opinions, replies & answers I create, are solely mine and mine alone, and do not reflect upon my position as a Community Moderator. If my reply has helped, mark accordingly - Helpful or Answer Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.