Question About Backup Discs For Mac
Time machine, at least as of 10.5.6, will gladly maintain multiple Time Machine disks. This way, you can periodically rotate your Time Machine backup disks to keep one safely off line and off site. The trick is that there is no trick.
I say this because there are some dangerous methods posted on the internet involving complex setups like copying the hidden disk ID number, that while appearing to work, actually slowly corrupt your backups. All you need to do is attach the disk and tell Time Machine to use it. When you are ready to swap drives, attach the other and tell Time Machine to use it instead. The very first time you do this, there is (of course) a big time consuming backup. After that, the swap is pretty fast. A bit longer than a typical backup session (but a lot shorter than say an rsync by comparison).
Time Machine correctly finds the files that were changed since the last time that disk was mounted and backs these up, making a perfectly synced new backup in the older disk's time lineage. And then it proceedes normally. If you are alternating disks weekly, then of course each disk is missing the disk state from the previous week. It still has all the files, it just can't restore to an epoch during which it was not connected - that time period state is on the other disk. Other than that, this approach seems to be significantly better than the alternative of keeping an rsynced copy of the Time Machine disk.
That's an ugly process, due to all the hard links, that is fraught with many small perils. I just happen to have a spare 750GB drive (formatted capacity 698.32GB) laying about with which I can give this a spin. I understand that the 'weekly' in the hint is a suggestion, but it seems like perhaps monthly would be a better approach.
This matches better Time Machine's structure of 'hourly for a day, daily for a month, weekly for ever.' Using a monthly swap gives 2 months of dailies. This could be extended further to N months using N disks, of course, but at some point it becomes ridiculous. Any thoughts/comments on that approach? Sounds like an improvement. The trade off is risk aversity to catastrophe and how valuable a months work is. I happen to live in a lighting heavy area so keeping one disk unplugged is appealing.
Important tip: when you innaugurate the new disk, don't try to get clever and copy the old disk to speed thing up. Let time machine do it itself. It's imprtant that time machine know you have two disks which is will mark with different disk ID numbers so it can tell. If you make carbon copies you will fool time machine and it will not make faithful syncs.
That is, just let it do it it's way, don't try to out smart it. I do this actually - but for a slightly different reason.
I have a Time Capsule at home, but when I'm away (for work or holiday) I use a little USB drive and point Time Machine to that - works really well. One thing I have noticed, is that if it's been a few weeks between using the other disk (last time this was after 5 weeks) the backup took a while as it had to do a deep node traversal, which meant Time Machine had lost track (for that drive) of which files had changed. This has happened a few times now after swapping, so I'd probably suggest swapping around the week frequency as suggested. Also, that means that if one of your disks does blow up, you'll only lose a week at most!:).
Okay here's what can happen if you copy the cookies. I don't know exactly how time machine does it's thing. But nominally it uses hooks in the OS to notify it when things on the main disk change so it has a list of pending backups. It does not do it the way rsync does it by labriously checking concurrency of the siles system and comaring every modification date. If you have two disks that report the same cookie time machine may beleive they are the same disk so it won't realize that a file that was changed last week then backed up to disk B, is not actually on disk A and needs to be backed up. That file is not on the pending backup list anymore. So here's a worked example: imagine you have two files, a preferences and a database for an application like say iphoto that have stay synched (entries in one need corresponding entries in the other).
Week 0 (disk 1 connected): A and B are changed. Week 1 (Disk 2 connected): A is changed but not B Week 2 (Disk 1 connected): B is changed but not A Week 3 (disk 2 is connected): On tuesday, A is changed. On Thursday you decide to revert the home directory back to it's state on Wednesday. What happens? Well you get the A from tuesday week 3 and you get the B from week 0. It's subtle because if you were too look in the backup directory for wednesday you would see both files, A and B present.
You just would not realize they were not mutuall consistent. One was a B written 3 weeks earlier with an A written the previous day. Over time, there would be no day in the backups that contained all the files that were present together on that day!
Backup Programs For Mac
However when time machine can tell you have switched disks because the cookies changed then it knows it needs to discard the invalid pending list and do an explicit check of what files changed since the last bakcup by comparing them between the disks. Hence the sync that occurs makes sure the backup contians mutuall consistent files. It could be that periodically timemachine does this check anyhow, so some of the time you may get away with the copied cookie method. It's just not assured.
The bottom line is: why bother when it's simpler not to use cookie copies. Just let time machine do it for you as it wants to. The difference is that my comment is a comment and explicitly expressed as my personal misgivings.
Their's is stated as a fact, in a submitted hint, as justification to use said hint. To me, that is a huge difference. What some idiot says in the comments doesn't carry nearly as much weight as something in a published hint on If you had read the Ars article about TimeMachine and file system events beforehand, and then come across this hint and read that statement, you also might have thought 'woah, where did that come from'? Unsubstantiated claims that something is 'dangerous' and will 'actually' (the word used) 'actually slowly corrupt your backups' is alarmist.
Consider how the statement would be interpreted if read without prior exposure to the Ars article, or other sources. No corroboration has appeared from the poster in subsequent posts, whereas palahala has included several links rebutting the claim. No instructions to say 'do this to demonstrate corruption'. No links to documentation. Not even a link to something as anecdotal as a web forum where someone reports corruption.
Now after the fact, we are seeing comments like 'I don't know exactly how time machine does it's thing' or 'I don't think either of us knows' coming from the submitter, and at least one instance of an argument based on a misinterpretion of a linked article. So what exactly were the original claims based on? I'm still hoping to see the proof, but if an admission is coming that the statement was based on speculation rather than fact, the sooner the better.
By the way, I'm not vaguely devaluing the hint at all. I think it's a fine hint that I'm sure many will find useful. That doesn't excuse the inclusion of (still unsubstantiated) statements of what is looking more and more like speculation as fact. Speaking generally, the fact that hints on macosxhints go through a screening process before publication has helped to keep the reliability of the information that can be found here at a high level, something that would be threatened if unsubstantiated claims and misinformation are complacently allowed to persist. If you don't get a 'Node requires traversal' message every time you swap drives then it may not be detecting the out-of-sync condition My point is: Time Machine gets the attribute from the backup disk. After swapping disks, this event ID will be lower than the event ID used by the previous backup.
This is exactly the same when using two disks like in your hint. Next, TM can simply ask fseventd for the changes since that (lower) last known event ID.
There is no 'out-of-sync condition' (other than the fseventsd database having been recreated for unrelated reasons, which requires a deep traversal for both backup disks once plugged in at some later time). One should NOT expect any 'Node requires deep traversal' when swapping disks, not when using your hint, nor when using cloned disks. (And yes, like I wrote: there is a huge number of megabytes copy every time I swap drives, easily noted in the logs with, or by looking a the files that have been copied using.). Perhaps I'm mistaken but my understanding of this is that in order to recover from a condition where the fsevents log has lost track of what need to be updated- which will be the case here- then a deep traversal is required to compare the current state of the main disk to the last backup on the old disk. That's in fact what the page you lined to says. Thus when you swap in a new disk two things have to happen. First something has to trigger the detection of the incomplete fsevents log, and second a deep traversal has to occur.
When you manually repoint the time machine to a new disk it knows for sure it has to recatalog the disk. Aiseesoft iphone transfer for mac. But when you simply swap disks that masquererade as each other using the cookie trick then you must reply on some secondary check to trigger the detection that the fsevents lof is out of sync with the disk.
You are speculating that it can do this by looking at the lastudate events UUID and seeing if this is still in the fsevents log somewhere. It's possible this is true, I don't think either of us knows. So what I was asking you to test on your system was: if is true then you should be seeing a node-travesral required message or at least some other message about the detection of this condition. I'd also be curious to know what you think the purpose of the cookie is and what the negative consequences of removing it are.
A condition where the fsevents log has lost track of what need to be updated- which will be the case here- No, that is not the case here. Time Machine knows very well what data is on each backup disk.
It then asks fseventd or some related API what has changed since. When you manually repoint the time machine to a new disk it knows for sure it has to recatalog the disk. If you're saying that you see the 'Node requires deep traversal' message each time you manually assign another disk, then something is wrong on your Mac. You are speculating that it can do this by looking at the lastudate events UUID and seeing if this is still in the fsevents log somewhere. It's possible this is true, I don't think either of us knows.
That's not speculating, that's exactly what is described in each article I mentioned earlier (though it's not the log's UUID but the FSEventsID counter). Time Machine is not keeping track of any changes. It doesn't have to, as long as it knows the last ID it used when writing to some backup. So, I don't see anything confirming your 'actually slowly corrupt your backups'. The strategy, with a laptop, of having two TM backups (one at home, one at work) is pretty much perfect and it's worked very well for me for at least two years. What would be EVEN NICER would be if the MacBook were smart enough to see when it changes TM disks and then switch targets automatically. Currently the only way to do it seems to be to change the target disk location manually in TM Preferences.
Unless someone can suggest a better way?! PS, I noticed that the MacBook already does something similar with printers, switching the default printer automatically depending on location. I would like to add that time machine backups are incredibly prone to corruption and when they become corrupted they can become completely unusable extremely quickly. Like in moments. If the computer gets overloaded or crashes in the middle of a wireless backup just one time that can render months of backups worthless. I do use multiple time machine backups now as just a part of my backup system. When my previous backups have become damaged the geniuses have cheerfully told me to reformat and start again.
I've had two separate time capsules completely replaced. And on Apple's website the list of people who describe my exact problems is very, very long. Time capsule would be wonderful if it would only work consistently. That said - it has saved me on more than one occasion and those occasions have been well worth all of the trouble. But every night I run a superduper backup and I keep six days of those backups going in rotation. I also use emailbackup pro as well as creating copies of any particularly important data like my schedule and keeping them on multiple volumes and backup disks.
I lost about $10,000 of information two years ago when my palm somehow switched to 'purge' and I find any amount of trouble in backing up to be a small price. Superduper is a staggeringly useful program. Time machine seriously scares me as any kind of dependable solution. When it is there and ready, though, when it has worked, it is wonderful. An automator or script approach is what I am looking for.
So that each day as I go back and forth to work it will detect the network change, and change the backup drive - so that it automatically backs up to the disk at work when I am at work - and automatically backs up to the disk at home when I am at home. Without me having to manually switch it in time machine preferences each time. Best if it does not require a reboot.
Backup Disc Creation
And just notices the network change on wake from sleep or network plug in. (I get hundreds of good email a day, write proposals etc and could not recover with a disk that was a week old) Thanks.