Train Your Brain With Dr. Kawashima For Mac

Train Your Brain With Dr. Kawashima For Mac

Thomas Knoll, Neurologist from Munich/Germany says: 'Many of my patients complain about forgetfulness in everyday life. I recommend - in addition to a balanced work-life with relaxation time, body exercises and social activities - a brain training program, such as 'Train your Brain'.

Train Your Brain With Dr. Kawashima For Mac Os

I like the 'Train your Brain' very much because it contains 30 excellent and varied exercises for the stimulation of the brain. Together with extensive statistics and functionality, it motivates my patients to consistently stimulate their brain power.' Feed your brain with a personal coach! If you want to stay young at heart, and sharp mentally, take a few minutes a day and Train your Brain! Sly fox, studious student or brainy genius? How do you judge your „Brain Fitness“? Entertaining, yet with a scientific background „Train your Brain“ will help you to keep your brain active or – if needed will get it moving again!

Perform the “Daily Test“ and measure your “Brain Fitness”, climb to ever higher scales and eventually become a “Royal Brain”. Practice regularly and you will surely notice an increase in your „Brain Fitness“. Remember, daily commitment and continuity are key to keeping your brain active!

Get your grey matter moving: Brain training for the whole family to enjoy at home or to play with your friends. Your personal professor will guide you through this game with 30 excellent brain exercises. The professor will accompany you with advice and assistance and explain which parts of your brain will be activated throughout the course of the training. Your personal professor and his cute little assistant Robo will support you in any aspect of the game. They will be at your side whenever you need them, explaining the different exercises and illustrating the scientific background of each exercise.

They will motivate you to keep moving and to care about your mental fitness. Besides the individual training you can practice together with family and friends on your computer in the so called Hot-Seat mode – one after the other everyone takes his/her turn and enjoys the social dynamics of playing games. On your computer you can create a profile for each member of your family so that everyone can train his brain individually. As each exercise features an adaptive difficulty level, everyone will be assisted to his needs. Let´s begin measuring your brain fitness and exercise it from day to day. Many more features like extensive rankings and statistics and a trophy room are waiting for you as part of this truly unique brain training game. A truly unique brain training game is waiting for you.

Questions & Answers Where can I get more help? For help-issues try the in-game help-area. The in-game graphics are not displayed correctly? Please update your graphic card driver I could not start the game under Mac OS 10.8.x? We released a new version 2.0.9 which runs under Mac OS 10.8.x This new version is available in the Apple Mac App Store After updating my Mac App Store version from the previous 2.0.7 or 2.0.8 versions my old profile data are lost? If you upgraded your 2.0.7 or 2.0.8 Mac App Store version to the new 2.0.9 Mac App Store version you have to migrate your old profile data. Here you could a tool, which copies the profile date from the old Mac App Store directory to the new directory of the 2.0.9 version. After updating my Mac CD version (shipped on a CD) to the new 2.0.7 version my old profile data are lost? If you bought our CD version and upgraded to the new 2.0.7 Mac App Store version you have to migrate your old profile data.

Here you could a tool, which copies the profile date from the old CD version directory to the new directory of the 2.0.7 version. If you need further help please feel free to! Please do not forget to include in your support email, which version of our game (Windows or Mac) and which operating version you are using.

This entry was posted on 27.03.2020.