Bret Fisher On Twitter: Did You Know Docker For Mac

  1. Bret Fisher On Twitter Did You Know Docker For Mac

Alena Hall Senior Cloud Developer Advocate/Engineer Alena Hall works on Azure focusing on big data and large scale distributed systems. Previously – Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Research. Alena has more than 10 years of experience in the software engineering industry with a focus on distributed cloud programming, real-time system modeling, high load and performance, big data analysis, data science, functional programming, and machine learning. She is an elected member of the F# Software Foundation’s board of trustees. Alena holds a master’s degree in computer science and information technology. Alex Iankoulski Principal Software Architect Alex Iankoulski is a DockerCon alumni.

He was inspired when he attended DockerCon for the first time in San Francisco in 2015 and since then has become known as a Docker evangelist among his colleagues and throughout the enterprise. Since 2015, Alex has attended DockerCon every year. He has been building software using Docker and helping accelerate the pace of innovation, promote sharing, and reuse of software. Alex has 20+ years of experience in the software industry. He is currently a Principal Software Architect for Data Science and Analytics at Baker Hughes, a GE Company where he focuses on enabling deep learning scientists and analytics experts to bring algorithms and new modeling techniques from prototype to production using containers. He believes that good tools get out of the way, empower users to go fast and enable them to stay focused on what they do best.

What he likes best about Docker is that the answer is always “yes!”. Alex Qin Director of Technology Alex Qin is a Brooklyn based software engineer and educator. She cares deeply about access to computer science education, and about leveraging technology to create positive social change. She is the Director of Technology at Gakko, a global educational collective that builds spaces, experiences & tools to reclaim the magic of learning, and is currently working on opening Gakko NYC, a school for the coders and musicians of tomorrow. She is also the founder and lead teacher of the Code Cooperative, where formerly incarcerated individuals learn to code to address issues they’ve identified in the criminal justice system. Prior to joining Gakko, she was the Web Engineering Team Lead at Skillshare and the Curriculum Director at Coalition for Queens.

She holds a B.S. In Computer Science from New York University. Alex tweets @alexqin. Andrea Gallego CTO of BCG Gamma When you have to say “YES” to everything, what does that really mean? The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm that advises industry leading companies on value creation strategies, innovation, transformation, supply chain management and much more. BCG provides recommendations and analytics that are custom tailored to the needs of each client.

To do this BCG is transforming what used to be presentations and manual models into software that is prototyped and distributed to their client to run on their infrastructure – in effect changing the way BCG delivers value. However the productization process poses unique challenges and opportunities. Their clients have every type of infrastructure and application stack within their IT environments, how can BCG ensure that the custom built analytics applications will operate well at scale in their client’s production environment – especially when it is an environment that they don’t control? The bespoke nature of the BCG business led the team to embark on an engineering led journey to containerization with Docker. Attend this session to learn more about the approach, challenges and how BCG is enabling transformation with Docker Enterprise Edition. Andrew Jessup Vice President, Product Management Andrew is VP of Product at Scytale, the steward of the SPIFFE project. Andrew is an engineer and entrepreneur who builds tools that help simplify software development.

Prior to co-founding Scytale, Andrew was a Product Manager on Google’s Cloud Platform extending Compute Engine to allow customers to easily scale workloads, and was Google’s first Continuous Delivery PM (working on the Spinnaker and Container Builder projects). As an Australian in the San Francisco Bay Area, Andrew spends most of his spare time trying to sell his Midwestern wife on the virtues of Vegemite. Andy Clemenko Solutions Architect Andy Clemenko has been putting out virtual and real fires for years.

Andy has been a System Administrator/Engineer for over 20 years and a volunteer firefighter for over 15 years. He has enjoyed building solutions from the ground up.

Building everything from bare metal to virtual machines to big data, and now containers. Lately he has been working with hundreds of customers and agencies engineering secure supply chains.

And when not being a firefighter/engineer he is an avid cyclist and dad to two awesome little kids. Anshul Pundir Senior Software Engineer Anshul Pundir is a software engineer with an interest all things distributed. At Docker, he is an engineering lead and maintainer on swarmkit, the docker native cluster orchestration system for containers.Previously, Anshul was at Pinterest, working on storage and data serving systems to power real-time use-cases. Before that, Anshul was an engineering lead at an startup team NetApp, building a all-flash distributed storage system from the ground up. Anshul enjoys traveling, eating, and traveling for eating. Anil Karmel Co-Founder and CEO Anil Karmel is the co-founder and CEO of C2 Labs, a company that partners with organizations on their digital transformation journey, from designing and implementing IT Strategic Plans to allow IT to move at the speed of business to a deep specialization in Application Rationalization and Transformation (ART) leveraging Secure Development Operations (DevSecOps) and its’ cutting-edge Research and Development (R&D) arm developing new standards and products to allow customers to Take Back Control. Formerly, Anil served as the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Deputy Chief Technology Officer.

Within NNSA, Karmel served as the RightPath Chief Architect and Management and Operations (M&O) Implementation Lead for a range of enterprise information technology (IT) solutions including cloud computing, enterprise mobility, unified communications and enterprise wireless. Anil tweets @anilkarmel Karmel has been in the IT Industry for over fifteen years, working with various Fortune 500 companies and government in the areas of cloud, cybersecurity and collaboration. He and his team garnered industry and government accolades, including the SANS National Cyber Security Innovators Award for Cloud Security, InformationWeek 500 Top Government IT Innovators, ACT/IAC Award and the DOE Secretary’s Achievement Award. His team at Los Alamos National Laboratory was named an ACT/IAC Finalist two years running. Karmel is an internationally recognized speaker and has been featured at numerous IT conferences and webinars.

Anil serves as the co-chair of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cloud Security Working Group, leading the security working group to document best practices for application container and microservices security. He authored the NIST Definition of Application Containers and Microservices, SP 800-180 and co-chairs the Cloud Security Alliance’s (CSA) Application Container and Microservices Working Group documenting best practices for application containers and microservices. Arun Subramaniyan Vice President, Data & Analytics Arun Subramaniyan leads the global data science & analytics team in BHGE Digital. His team focusses on developing deep learning augmented domain analytics across all aspects of the Oil & Gas industry. He joined BHGE Digital from GE Global Research Center in Niskayuna, NY where he led the development of the Digital Twin framework. The framework has enabled several thousand engineers in GE to build advanced models efficiently.

The asset specific cumulative damage modeling techniques his team pioneered have saved millions of dollars for the several GE businesses. As a Six Sigma Master Black Belt, he developed advanced techniques and tools for efficiently modeling large scale systems like jet engines and accelerated design times by 3-4X. Arun is a prolific researcher with a Ph.D.

In Aerospace Engineering from Purdue University with over 50 international publications that have been cited more than 500 times. He is a recipient of the Hull Award from GE which honors early career technologists for their outstanding technical impact.

Arun tweets @sarunkarthi. Ashley Sun Senior Software Engineer (Infrastructure) Ashley is a DevOps Engineer at LendingClub, where she works on cloud and container orchestration, infrastructure management and automating all the things! She strives to build awesome automation tools to support and improve the efficiency of the Technology organization and to maintain the reliability and stability of the site. Prior to LendingClub, Ashley received her B.S. From UC Berkeley where she enjoyed muay thai and cheer in addition to coding (and mostly breaking) things.

In her free time she likes to eat food, especially if it contains a high amount of sugar. Arjuna Rivera i2 Labs Leader Arjuna Rivera is Lockheed Martin’s Infrastructure and International (I2) Labs Senior Manager and Principal Researcher reporting into the I2’s Technology Office. In this role, Arjuna is responsible for leading labs to drive innovation, IT disruption and modern cloud usage across the enterprise. As an idea incubator and technical facilitator for I2, I2 labs doesn’t just discover products, they bring experiences to life.

Arjuna’s career spans more than 19 years of service to Lockheed Martin. He joined Lockheed Martin in 1998 as a systems engineer and worked assignments of increasing responsibility within the corporation. Arjuna’s diverse background includes, but not limited to experience in IT Infrastructure, Applications, Testing, Security Engineering, Governance, Risk, Compliance, Incident Response and general management. Arjuna maintains several industry certifications; he has a MS in Management with a concentration in IT from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and BS in Management Information Systems from the University of South Florida. Arjuna tweets @realarjuna. Arun Gupta Principal Technologist Arun Gupta is a Principal Open Source Technologist at Amazon Web Services.

He focuses on everything containers and open source at AWS. He is responsible for CNCF strategy within AWS, and participates at CNCF Board and technical meetings actively. He has built and led developer communities for 12+ years at Sun, Oracle, Red Hat and Couchbase.

Prior to that he led engineering teams at Sun and is a founding member of the Java EE team. He has extensive speaking experience in more than 40 countries on myriad topics and is a JavaOne Rock Star for four years in a row.

Gupta also founded the Devoxx4Kids chapter in the US and continues to promote technology education among children. A prolific blogger, author of several books, an avid runner, a globe trotter, a Docker Captain, a Java Champion, a JUG leader, NetBeans Dream Team member, he is easily accessible at @arungupta. Bret Fisher Independent Consultant For 20 years Bret has built, and operated systems from 4 to 4.000, and helped over 13.000 people learn dev and ops topics. He is a Docker Captain, the author of the wildly popular Docker Mastery series on Udemy, and also provides DevOps style consulting & workshops with a focus on immutable infrastructures, automation, containers, and orchestration. Bret’s an occasional shell, web, and JavaScript developer. He spends his free time in Virginia’s local, thriving tech scene helping lead local Code for America and Docker Meetups.

Bret basically spend his days helping people, and giving high fives. He lives at the beach, writes at, prefers dogs over cats, and tweets at @bretfisher. Brian Christner Co-Founder Brian Christner hails from Arizona but now resides in the Alps of Switzerland. Brian’s spent a large portion of his career in the casino industry where he made sure the house always won.

Brian is co-founder of 56K.Cloud and a nominated member of the Docker Captain’s program and a seasoned cloud architect. He is also a cloud subject matter expert in the topics of Docker, Cloud Native, DevOps, CI/CD, Infrastructure as Code, and of course container monitoring. Brian is passionate about advocating for cloud and containers. When Brian is not busy trying to containerize everything he can be found riding his mountain bike or skiing in the Swiss Alps. Brian tweets @idomyowntricks. Carlos Santana STSM, IBM Cloud Functions (Serverless OpenWhisk) Carlos is a developer and maintainer of the Apache OpenWhisk Severless project. As a Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) on IBM Cloud Functions which is powered by Apache OpenWhisk leads the architecture, integration and development of the IBM Cloud offering.

He leads the Open Source OpenWhisk project to get more corporations and individuals to contribute to the Serverless project. He is a PMC member Apache Cordova and PPMC member of Apache OpenWhisk. Chloe Condon Developer Evangelist Former musical theatre actress and Hackbright Academy graduate, Chloe is now a Developer Evangelist at Sentry. Pre-Hackbright, she spent her nights and weekends performing in the Bay Area as a singer/actress and worked in tech by day.

To support her theatre career, she started to learn to code on her own through online resources. Perhaps the only engineer you’ll meet who has been in “Hairspray”, “Xanadu”, and “Jerry Springer: the Opera”- she is passionate about bringing people with non-traditional backgrounds into the world of tech.

If you’re trying to place her face, yes- she’s the young woman giving the awkward thumbs up in the “What It’s Like to be a Woman at a Tech Conference” article (which she also wrote). Chloe is also the organizer of TechLadyPicnic (a SF women in tech meet-up group), as well as the hostess/organizer of Sentry Scouts (a camp themed monthly tech meet-up yes there are patches for each meet-up). In February of 2018 she was named one of the “200+ Thought Leaders in Crypto and Blockchain” and still knows absolutely nothing about Blockchain however, a quick Google search of her will provide you with getting started with Docker videos, observability articles, theatre reviews, tech blogs, and videos of her singing- enjoy! Chloe tweets @ChloeCondon. Christian Kniep Technical Account Manager With a 10y journey rooted in the HPC parts of the german automotive industry, Christian started to support CAE applications and VR installations. When told at a conference that HPC can not learn anything from the emerging Cloud and BigData companies, he became curious and was leading the containerization effort of the cloud-stack at Playstation Now.

Christian joined Docker Inc in 2017 to help push the adoption forward and be part of the innovation instead of an external bystander. During the day he helps Docker customers in the EMEA region to fully utilize the power of containers; at night he likes to explore new emerging trends by containerizing them first and seek application in the nebulous world of DevOps. Christian tweets @CQnib. Christopher Liljenstolpe CTO & Co-founder Christopher is the CTO and co-founder of Tigera, Inc, and the original architect of Project Calico. Before devoting his life to making cloud networking simple and secure, he gained plenty of practical experience in how it was not ever thus, designing and running several OpenStack clusters, and architecting some of the earliest SDN solutions at Big Switch Networks.

Bret Fisher On Twitter Did You Know Docker For Mac

He also ran architecture at two large carriers (Telstra - AS1221, and Cable & Wireless/iMCI - AS3561), spent time in Asia as the IP CTO for Alcatel, and run networks in Antarctica (hint, bend radius becomes REALLY important at -50C). In his spare time he was foolish enough to do two stints as a working group co-chair in the IETF. Occasionally you can have the (mis-)fortune of hearing him speak at conferences and the like. Dan Berg Distinguished Engineer As a Distinguished Engineer within IBM Cloud, Daniel is responsible for the technical strategy, and implementation of the containers and microservices platform available in IBM Cloud known externally as the IBM Cloud Container Service. Daniel has deep knowledge of container technologies including Docker and Kubernetes and has extensive experience building and operating highly available cloud-native services.

Daniel is a member of the Steering committee and the Technical Steering committee for the Istio service mesh project. Darragh Grealish Site Reliability Engineer in DevOps Darragh has a background in embedded system engineering originally, hacking on networks since thick-ethernet existed and feel’s back at home with enabling cloud technologies to interface with embedded IoT devices. With over ten years experience in IP networks and System Engineering, working for Akamai, Swisscom, Siemens and other technology companies. Now, as Co-Founder of 56K.Cloud, Darragh’s focus is on enabling DevOps in small and large organizations to adopt containers in both Software development and Operations. Darragh tweets @grealish. David Aronchick David Aronchick was the Senior Product Manager for the Google Container Engine and led product management on behalf of Google for Kubernetes. David has been helping to ship software for nearly 20 years, founding and being part of the management team for three different startups, as well as squeezing in time at Microsoft, Amazon, Chef, and now Google.

David is co-founder of the Kubeflow project, an effort to help developers and enterprises deploy and use ML cloud-natively everywhere. David Yu Partner Solutions Engineer David Yu is a partner solutions engineer at Docker who works with both Strategic and Regional Partners on delivering solutions using Docker Enterprise Edition. He works in San Francisco and joined the company in mid 2016. Prior to Docker, he worked at New Relic for 4 years ago and held senior roles in the sales engineering team prior to seeing the company successfully going public in late 2014. He was able to work in multiple different capacities for both sales in multiple segments and in partner business development throughout his tenure there. Previous to New Relic, he worked at CollabNet as a Sales Engineer selling solutions related to managing and monitoring SVN and Git solutions. He is a UT Austin Computer Science Alum and moved from Austin, TX to San Francisco while employed as a staff software engineer for IBM.

Don Bauer Lead DevOps Engineer Don Bauer started his career twelve years ago and has learned by doing in development, infrastructure, architecture and operations roles in both enterprise corporations and startups. He immediately recognized a common thread in each role that allowed him to focus on enabling teams and companies to succeed through standardization, simplification and automation.

Don believes companies and teams succeed through transparency and experimentation without the fear of failure. In his current role, Don operates with one simple principle: to automate himself out of a job. Ekrem Kocaguneli Senior Machine Learning Engineer Ekrem Kocaguneli is a senior machine learning engineer at Pinterest. He uses his deep learning expertise to provide Pinterest users an engaging homefeed experience to help them discover and do what they love. He is currently working on multi-task learning to enhance the current deep neural net models powering Pinterest homefeed.

Previously he worked on Pinterest monetization and developed click prediction models for search ads. He has also co-authored one book and more than 20 peer reviewed journal and conference papers on machine learning and its applications in practice. Elaine Yeung Software Engineer Elaine works at Sentry on the Operations team as a software engineering intern. Prior to Sentry, she taught elementary school for four years then spent another four years as an assistant principal.

As an administrator, she led her school’s adoption of a blended learning model, integrating personalized instruction across all grades, including pre-kindergarten! Passionate about data-driven decision making, Elaine aggregated multiple sources of raw student performance data, all collected in differing methods.

After being, in essence, a human API for two years, she grew frustrated by traditional spreadsheet application’s ability to control input and taught herself SQL, ultimately leading her to pursue a career in software engineering. Elaine loves podcasts and improving her StarCraft 2 strategy. Elton Stoneman Developer Advocate I’m a Microsoft MVP, Pluralsight Author, and Developer Advocate at Docker, Inc.

I’ve been architecting and delivering successful solutions with Microsoft technologies since 2000, most recently large-scale APIs and Big Data implementations in Azure, and distributed applications with Docker. Currently, I’m interested the expansion of the Microsoft stack outside of the normal boundaries; exploring the great opportunities opening up with.NET Core running on Linux, Windows Containers, and Docker running on Azure. I’m a regular speaker at events and user groups – in 2016 I spoke at Microsoft’s Future Decoded and TechDays Online, at the WinOps Conference, Docker London and London DevOps. In 2017 I’ll be speaking at NDC London, SDD, DevSum in Sweden, and DockerCon. Elton tweets at @eltonstoneman. Eric Smalling Solution Architect Eric has 25 years of professional experience in enterprise software development and architecture, including build, test and deployment automation. Cracking wep wpa wpa2 wifi aircrack. for mac. He has been practicing DevOps concepts since long before the term was coined.

On practically every project throughout his career, he has worn multiple hats: developer, automated testing evangelist, version control administrator and build system engineer. Eric has been a continuous integration advocate and implementer for nearly a decade, and a Docker user since 2013. A second generation software developer (his father was a SNOBOL coder in the 60s!), he grew up in the 1980s and was coding 8-bit machines in elementary school. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, traveling, photography and, of course, hacking on software.

Girish Ranganathan Principal Architect Girish is a software technologist who has played a pivotal role in architecting and developing a variety of large scale distributed systems. His recent interests include cloud native, microservices, service mesh and serverless. He strongly believes that simple ideas can go a long way into building efficient, reliable, secure and scalable systems. He is always on the lookout for what’s next and how it can be used to build better systems or improve existing ones.

Harish Jayakumar Senior Solutions Engineer Harish Jayakumar is a Lead Staff Engineer at Docker. He works closely with customers and the community in adopting Docker and Kubernetes in their company – from development to production. Outside of that, he is a regular speaker at Meetups in the Bay area, evangelizing and talking about Docker, Kubernetes, Infrastructure & DevOps. He has several years of experience working on infrastructure and systems management solutions both as a Product Manager and a developer. He tweets @harishjkumar. Jaya Polumuru Sr. Director of Technology, Global Consumer Solutions JP is the Sr.

Director of Engineering/Technology for the Global Consumer Solutions, at Equifax Inc. Primarily focussed on driving technology strategy to build secure and scalable consumer web/mobile applications. Recently helped architect the Equifax “Lock and Alert” product into Docker Swarm using microservices as its backbone. Previously worked as a Engineering Leader at TrustedID Inc where he was named “key contributor” during the company acquisition. Very passionate about developer productivity, big data and cloud platforms. Jeff Murr Director, Container and Open Source Platforms Jeff Murr is the Director of Container and Open-source Platforms at MetLife. An avid technologist, throughout his career he has worked for technology consumers and creators all focused on extreme value and stability for large global enterprises.

For the past 5 years, Jeff has guided MetLife in its transition to cloud-native architectures through key partnerships with Microsoft and Docker. He is currently focused on modernizing legacy infrastructure and applications with PaaS, and container strategies aiding in building long-term value-based enterprise roadmaps for MetLife in key technology trends globally. Jeff tweets @jeffreymurr. John Harris Technical Account Manager John Harris is a Technical Account Manager at Docker. He works with customers to help implement and adopt container platforms with a focus on Kubernetes. Previously he ran Continuous Delivery and DevOps services for a London-based Docker partner & software consultancy.

Outside of work he is active in the Seattle tech community where he co-leads CoffeeOps and Linux Meetup groups and speaks at various others, evangelizing all things containers and DevOps. He tweets at @johnharris85. Joy Qiao Principal Solution Architect Joy Qiao is a Principal Solution Architect in the AI & Research Group at Microsoft, where she is responsible for driving end-to-end AI/ML solutions on Azure among the partner eco-system. Joy has over 15 years of IT industry experience including 11 years at Microsoft working as technical lead/architect roles at various Azure & AI engineering teams, as well as senior consultant/architect in the Microsoft services team.

Joy has mainly been focusing on Microsoft Azure, Big Data and Machine Learning technologies, leading and delivering Machine Learning, Big Data and Cloud-based solutions for enterprise customers and partners. Karthik Prabhakar Director of Solution Architecture Karthik Prabhakar is the Director of Solution Architecture at Tigera, where he helps customers with secure application connectivity designs leveraging open source projects that Tigera maintains or contributes to (such as Project Calico, Flannel, CNI, Istio, etc.).

Karthik has assisted in the architecture of numerous containerized and cloud infrastructure deployments at scale. Karthik has many years of deep experience with cloud platforms, as well as large scale network architectures, both from a product/solution architecture perspective and in deployment/operations. He is a frequent speaker at meetups, conferences, webinars and other events. Kinnary Jangla Senior Software Engineer Kinnary Jangla is a senior software engineer on the homefeed team at Pinterest, where she works on the machine learning infrastructure team as a backend engineer. Kinnary has worked in the industry for 10+ years. Previously, she worked on maps and international growth at Uber and on Bing search at Microsoft. Kinnary holds an MS in computer science from the University of Illinois and a BE from the University of Mumbai.

Additionally, she is an author of 2 published books with the 3rd on the way named “Everything Docker” (publisher: Apress). Kinnary tweets @kjangla. Lee Calcote Head of Technology Strategy Lee Calcote is the Head of Technology Strategy at Solarwinds, where he stewards strategy and innovation across the business. Previously, Calcote led software-defined data center engineering at Seagate, up-leveling the systems portfolio by delivering new predictive analytics, telemetric and modern management capabilities. Prior to Seagate, Calcote held various leadership positions at Cisco, where he created Cisco’s cloud management platforms and pioneered new, automated, remote management services. In addition to his role at Solarwinds, Calcote advises a handful of startups and serves as a member of various industry bodies, including Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the Distributed Management Task Foundation (DMTF) and Center for Internet Security (CIS).

As a Docker Captain and Cloud Native Ambassador, Calcote is an organizer of technology conferences, an analyst, author, speaker in the technology community. Calcote holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, a master’s degree in Business Administration from California State University, Fresno and retains a list of industry certifications. Luke Marsden CEO and Founder Luke is the CEO and Founder at his new venture, Dotmesh. He is also a Kubernetes SIG lead for SIG-cluster-lifecycle, where he was involved in developing the first version of kubeadm. He previously worked on Developer Experience at Weaveworks, where he spoke and taught at conferences, meetups and trainings on cloud native topics such as container networking, monitoring with Prometheus, continuous delivery and OpenTracing. Before that he was the CTO and Founder at ClusterHQ, where he got involved right at the start of the Docker and Kubernetes journey, collaborating closely with Docker and others to develop the first Docker volume plugin mechanism and build the first implementation of container persistence, Flocker. Mark Church Product Manager Mark Church is a Product Manager at Docker focused on Platform Ops, Networking, and Storage.

In Mark’s not-so-distant previous life he worked in the field helping companies design, implement, and service their container infrastructure. Widespread Docker evangelism and also thorough day-2 operationalization of container technology are the principles Mark used to make Docker projects successful in large organizations. Prior to Docker, Mark held a variety of engineering roles at Cisco Systems where he helped design web-scale data center networks for companies such as LinkedIn, Airbnb, and Salesforce. Michelle Casbon Senior Engineer Michelle Casbon is a Senior Engineer on the Google Cloud Platform Developer Relations team, where she focuses on open source contributions and community engagement for machine learning and big data tools. Prior to joining Google, she was at several San Francisco-based startups as a Senior Engineer and Director of Data Science.

Within these roles, she built and shipped machine learning products on distributed platforms using both AWS and GCP. Michelle’s development experience spans more than a decade and has primarily focused on multilingual natural language processing, system architecture and integration, and continuous delivery pipelines for machine learning applications. She especially loves working with open source projects and is an active contributor to Kubeflow. Her writing has been featured in the AI section of O’Reilly Radar. Michelle holds a masters degree from the University of Cambridge. Michael Ducy Director of Community & Evangelism Michael Ducy currently works as Director of Community & Evangelism for Sysdig where he is responsible for growing adoption of Sysdig’s open source solutions.

Previously, Michael worked at Chef where we held a variety of roles helping customers and community members leverage Chef’s open source and paid solutions, as well as implement the ideas and practices of DevOps. Michael has also worked in a variety of roles in his career including Cloud Architecture, Systems Engineering, and Performance Engineering. Michael holds a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Chicago and an MBA from The Ohio State University. Michael Letourneau Architect Michael Letourneau is an IT Architect at Liberty Mutual.

Michael has spent the last 20 years working in every aspect of IT. Michael has a passion for learning how new technology works and likes to keep as hands on as possible. Seeing a short demo of containers a few years ago convinced him that they were going to be something revolutionary. He brought that back to his management and has been advocating their adoption or working on their implementation since. He enjoys time with his four kids, a good podcast, a nice hike in the woods, zsh and vi.

Nicola Kabar Solutions Architect Nicola Kabar is a Lead Solutions Architect at Docker where he helps strategic customers design and build scalable enterprise-ready solutions using the Docker platform. His focus areas include container networking, microservices, automation, and cloud architectures. Before Docker, Nicola was a lead Systems Engineer at Cisco where he focused on massively-scalable data center (MSDC) design and architecture for the large Web accounts (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft). Nirmal Mehta Chief Technologist Chief Technologist in the Strategic Innovations Group at Booz Allen Hamilton specializing in research, implementation, and integration of emerging technologies to Booz Allen’s federal government client base. He leads the firm’s efforts in containerization and distributed application architectures and thought leader for DevOps practices.

He is passionate about Open Source, Containerization, Cloud Automation, DevOps, Data Center Transformation and integrating open-source software to push the capabilities of future IT infrastructure. He focuses on bringing leading edge technologies to enterprise systems for commercial and public sector clients.

Patrick Chanezon Chief Developer Advocate Patrick Chanezon is Chief Developer Advocate at Docker Inc. He helps to build Docker, the world’s leading software container platform, for developers and sysadmins.Software developer and storyteller, he spent 10 years building platforms at Netscape & Sun, then 10 years evangelizing platforms at Google, VMware & Microsoft. His main professional interest is in building and kickstarting the network effect for these wondrous two-sided markets called Platforms.He has worked on platforms for Portals, Ads, Commerce, Social, Web, Distributed Apps, and Cloud. Peter Ngai Software Architect With over 25 years of experience in the computing industry, Peter currently works for GE Digital in San Ramon, California as a Software Architect. Hailing from a software engineering background, his experience ranges from financial systems, payment platforms, to mobile platforms, and now works in the Industrial IoT space. Born and raised in New York City, Peter is a graduate from Rochester Institute of Technology, married with three kids ages ranging from one to fourteen years old. Family along with his hobbies in music and computers keeps him a busy bee.

Peter tweets @otob. Robert Vandette Consulting Engineer Bob Vandette has over 30 years of experience designing and developing System Software and Hardware products. During his career, he has been involved in two successful startups and created his own company which eventually was sold to Sun Microsystems. Bob held several roles at Sun Microsystems and now Oracle involved in the development of Java Virtual Machine technology. Bob’s recent accomplishments include the creation of the Java SE Embedded product line, Java SE 8 Compact Profiles and Java 9 for Mobile platforms. Bob’s current focus is in the enhancement of Java for use in Cloud Containers and Serverless Cloud applications.

His areas of expertise include: Java technology, Container technology, Embedded & Mobile Platforms, Virtual Machines and Emulation Technology. Rashmi Kumar SVP Data and Analytics Rashmi Kumar is SVP Data and Analytics with McKesson based in San Francisco. In 4 years with McKesson she has also played the role of US Pharma CIO, and VP of Architecture and Product Management.

She is a seasoned data and analytics leader with wide ranging experience in IT Leadership, consulting services, electric utilities, financial services, information technology, Media & Entertainment and steel industries. With more than 25 years of experience, Mrs.

Kumar’s primary areas of focus include Data & Analytics, CTO/CIO office, strategic planning, EA, and large scale business process transformations. Robert Tercek Best Selling Author, Vaporized Every industry – established enterprises and feisty startups alike – will be entirely transformed and redefined by technology in the next five years. We’re entering an era defined by data, and Robert Tercek is helping organizations navigate through the massive changes, seize control and shape their future.

Tercek is navigating–and inventing–the future of digital media. With a rare combination of visionary thinking, hard-won practical insight and tireless passion for the way media shapes our world, Tercek is working to help organizations seize their own destiny by thinking creatively and taking decisive action. Tercek’s business strategies are informed by his personal experience as a pioneering executive and entrepreneur in disruptive startup ventures. He has created breakthrough entertainment experiences on every digital platform, including satellite TV, game consoles, broadband Internet, interactive television, and mobile networks.

Sabree Blackmon Technologist and Developer Advocate Sabree is a Technologist and Developer Advocate at Scytale. He helps organize the SPIFFE and SPIRE open-source communities, while also mentoring engineers on application identity and security. While he cut his technical teeth in military embedded systems, Sabree now enjoys solving complex engineering problems in cloud computing. Sabree was a cloud consultant for three years before joining Scytale and is passionate about helping enterprises and developers leverage open-source technologies. Sharon Frazier Vice President, Innovation Sharon Frazier is Vice President of Innovation at Franklin American Mortgage Company.

Frazier is an entrepreneur that believes software should inspire and be a catalyst for creative disruption, whether that is igniting market dominance, shattering personal goals, or forging team cohesion. She is responsible for turning ideas into products, revenue generators, or growth catalysts through appropriate risk-taking and inventiveness; showing customers a new world, not just giving them a better view of the old world.In addition to her current role, Ms.

Frazier is an active Advisor and Board member of two start-ups. Prior to Franklin American, Ms.

Frazier has been an early employee, executive, or senior leader of a diverse array of companies and understands the nuances of validating product/market fit and continuous challenging of assumptions, the art of pivoting and the financial implications of decisions, as well as the necessary planning needed to hit strategic milestones and unfortunately the consequences of missing them.Ms. Frazier has been working in software and technology for over 30 years. She holds a Masters in Mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh and a Bachelors in Mathematics from Pennsylvania State University.

Srikanth Bulusu Engineering Leader Srikanth Bulusu is the head of DevOps and Cloud Engineering at JCPenney. His teams are responsible for transformation to cloud and the implementation of CI/CD practices for the omni-channel business. Prior to JC Penney, he was a release engineering and automation manager at and a software engineer at top financial institutions.

In his 10+ years of experience he has embraced automation and open-source technologies as a powerful tool for accelerating innovation and mentor’s others on how to adopt and integrate automation in their practices. Thomas Shaw Engineer Born and raised in a small town called Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland.

I’ve been obsessed with computers since I got my first Commodore 64. I studied Computer Science and Business Administration at Queens University Belfast.

Bret Fisher On Twitter: Did You Know Docker For Mac

During my gap year I worked at Sun Microsystems in Dublin and loved every second of it. After graduation I moved to Dublin and worked full time at Sun as a Java QA automation engineer. Other jobs included Configuration manager at Citigroup, systems automation engineer at Oracle and currently working at Demonware (Activision) as a build engineer.

My free time is spent with my family, some blogging, playing about with new tech and lots of coffee drinking. I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with some amazing engineers over the past 15 years and I feel that it’s my duty to pay that forward. I’m happy to mentor, teach, host Meetups, bootcamps etc.

I like to work with those who are passionate about technology and the positive changes it can bring about in the world. Tim Tyler Principal Engineer Tim started life as a Mechanical Engineer and spent over 20 years in the Semiconductor industry focusing on high performance computing, design automation, and Open Source compliance and evangelization. Tim particularly enjoys championing and promoting a DevOps culture and Social Coding, as well as building collaboration between development, engineering, and operations teams. Tim recently migrated to the Insurance industry and is a leader and senior contributor on MetLife’s innovation team – The ModSquad. In this role Tim is helping to drive transformative DevOps and Agile change as well as explore exciting new technologies.

This entry was posted on 12.02.2020.